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Full Stack Developer Course in Vasai-Virar (Expert Training)

Are you ready to become a full stack developer? Our comprehensive Full Stack Developer Course at HirshiComputer in Vasai-Virar is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level. 

Our curriculum covers everything you need to know about full stack development, including PHP, Java, and Python. You'll start with the basics and quickly progress to more complex concepts. With hands-on projects and real-world examples, you'll gain practical experience that you can apply immediately. 

In addition to our thorough curriculum, we offer job placement support to help you start your career as a full stack developer. Our course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace, with both online and offline options available.

Join us at HirshiComputer to learn from experts, use the latest techniques and tools, get real-world practice, and receive job support. Enroll today in the best full stack developer course with a certification in Vasai-Virar and start your journey to becoming a full stack developer!

Full Stack Developer Course Highlights

  • In-Depth Training: Master full stack development with detailed lessons on PHP, Java, and Python.
  • Advanced Techniques: Explore advanced methods for web development, database management, and secure coding practices.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: Benefit from an interactive learning setup with live coding sessions and immediate feedback.
  • Regular Assessments: Track your progress through regular quizzes and assignments designed to reinforce your learning.
  • Community Access: Join a supportive community of learners and professionals to share knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities.
  • Updated Course Material: Stay ahead with the latest industry practices and trends as our course material is regularly updated to reflect current standards.

Module 1 : UI Web Designing


  • Introduction to HTML5
  • How HTML Works
  • Difference Between HTML and HTML5
  • All Html tags, attributes and Properties
  • Standard structure of webpage
  • Importance of Meta tags
  • Paragraphs
  • Marquee and headings
  • Links
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Fonts
  • Text rules
  • Text formatting
  • Static vs Dynamic website
  • DIV and Span tags
  • Styling Backgrounds
  • Introduction to Css and Css3
  • Comments in html
  • Introduction to cookies
  • Html 5 semantic elements
  • Html5 canvas
  • Html5 input tags
  • Html5 media(audio, Images and videos)
  • Html5 google maps Integration
  • Html5 API’s


  • Introduction to css3
  • Units in css3
  • Colors in css3
  • Backgrounds properties
  • Margins, Paddings, Layouting
  • Box model
  • Font families
  • Css icons
  • Cursors
  • All lists
  • CSS Resets
  • Tables, Responsive Tables
  • Alignments
  • Block and Inline Elements
  • CSS 3 Pseudo Elements
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • CSS3 Forms
  • CSS Animations
  • Css3 Layouts
  • Grid Layouts
  • Flex Box Layouts
  • Responsive Layouts
  • Media Queries


  • Introduction
  • Use of JavaScript
  • Html DOM(Document Object Model)
  • Manipulating through DOM
  • All DOM methods and events
  • Finding HTML elements by id, tags and class name
  • Finding elements by css selectors
  • Object collection
  • Html Dom animation
  • Mouse events
  • Event listeners
  • JS Validations(NULL and Password)
  • Client side JavaScript
  • JavaScript events, functions


  • About JQuery library
  • Using jQuery to manipulate html elements
  • Scrolling effects
  • Dynamic effects using jQuery
  • Using jQuery animations
  • Plugins integration owl carousel, data tables, charts ,and editors
  • Dom selection using Jquery
  • Dynamic effects


  • AJAX Intro
  • XML HTTP Request
  • XHR Ready State
  • XHR Responses
  • Fetching Text From Source
  • Ajax Polls
  • AJAX Database
  • AJAX Examples


  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap Grids
  • Bootstrap typograpphy
  • Bootstrap Colors
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Bootstrap Alerts
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars
  • Bootstrap Cards, Dropdowns
  • Bootstrap Menus And Navigation
  • Bootstrap Modals And Carousels
  • Bootstrap Utillties
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Bootstrap Responsive Classes
  • Practical Live Project(Website From Scratch)


  • Introduction about WordPress
  • How WordPress works
  • Installing of a local machine(XAMPP server)
  • Installing WordPress
  • Choosing themes
  • Uploading of themes
  • Working with WordPress tools
  • Installing and adding plugins and tools
  • Adding your first post and publishing
  • Live projects on WordPress blogging
  • Recovery of WordPress admin account password
  • Backup and restore of your WordPress website
  • Uploading your project from local machine to a website
  • Introduction about hosting
  • How to host WordPress website directly through cpanel (hosting)
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing


  • Introduction to Photoshop
  • Understanding of various versions of Photoshop
  • Understanding Print Industry and Printing Technology
  • Working with Photoshop tools
  • Working with layers
  • Working with pallets
  • Working with animation (gifs) with Photoshop
  • Making albums
  • Making collages with Photoshop
  • Working with frame and layers
  • Working with a website design in Photoshop

Module 2 : Full stack Development Using....


Java is very popular web programming language. It is popular because it is easy to use interface and the functions that this language provides. With the help of its framework it is not very hard to build and get started with. It is being used by many programmers for building websites. By working or programming in this language, you will get idea about the SDLC that is the software Development Lifecycle of a software.

Full Stack
Development using JAVA


  • The Java Virtual Machine
  • Variables and data types
  • Conditional and looping constructs
  • Arrays
  • Access Modifiers in Java
  • Final keyword in Java
  • Small Project based on Array
  • Classes and Objects
  • Fields and Methods
  • Constructors
  • Overloading methods
  • Garbage collection
  • Nested classes
  • Overriding methods
  • Polymorphism
  • Making methods and classes final
  • Abstract classes and methods
  • Interfaces
  • Cloning objects
  • Strings
  • String conversions
  • Declaring interface
  • Using Interface for run time polymorphism
  • Package access
  • Documentation comments
  • Try-Throw-Catch-Finally-constructs
  • The Exception class
  • Concept of Multithreading
  • Thread Class and Runnable Interface
  • Synchronization between threads
  • Deadlock
  • InputStream and OutputStream classes
  • Reader and Writer classes


  • Why to use generics
  • Generic types and methods
  • Bounded type parameters
  • Type inference
  • Unbounded wildcards
  • Upper bounded wildcards
  • Lower bounded wildcards
  • Wildcards summary
  • Type erasures
  • Collections overview
  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • Vector
  • Stack
  • Queue - ordinary Queue
  • Queue - PriorityQueue
  • Deque - ArrayDeque
  • Map - HashMap
  • Map - LinkedHashMap
  • Map - TreeMap
  • Set - HashSet
  • Set - LinkedHashSet
  • Set - TreeSet
  • Sorting arrays
  • Sorting collections
  • Sorting Comparable
  • Sorting Comparator


  • JDBC Product
  • Types of Drivers
  • Two-Tier Client/Server Model
  • Three-Tier Client/Sever Model
  • Basic Steps of JDBC
  • Creating and Executing SQL Statement
  • The Result Set Object
  • Working with Database
  • MetaData
  • Interface
  • Servlet Interaction & Advanced Servlets
  • Life cycle of Servlet
  • Java Servlet Development Kit
  • Javax.servlet package
  • Reading Servlet Parameters
  • Reading Initialization Parameters
  • The javax.servlet.http Package
  • Handling HTTP
  • JSP Technologies
  • Understanding the Client-Server Model
  • Understanding Web server software
  • Configuring the JSP Server
  • Handling JSP Errors
  • JSP Translation Time Errors
  • JSP Request Time Errors
  • Creating a JSP Error Page


  • Spring Overview
  • Setting up Development Environment
  • SPRING IOC → XML Configuration
  • SPRING DI → XML Configuration
  • SPRING Bean Scopes Lifecycle→ XML Configuration
  • SPRING IOC → JAVA Annotation
  • SPRING DI → JAVA Annotation
  • SPRING Bean Scopes Lifecycle→ JAVA Annotation
  • SPRING Configuration with JAVA Code
  • Spring Event handling
  • Spring Custom events


  • Web MVC Architecture
  • Role of Dispatcher Servlet
  • Handler Mapping
  • Spring Interceptors
  • Building Spring Web App (Config file)
  • Creating Controllers and View
  • Reading HTML Form Data
  • Adding data to Spring MODEL
  • SPRING MVC → Request Params And Request Mapping
  • SPRING MVC → Form Tags And Data Binding
  • SPRING MVC Form Validation → Applying Build-in Validation Rules
  • SPRING MVC Form Validation→ Validating Number ranges and Regular Expression
  • SPRING MVC Form Validation → Creating Custom Validation


  • Setting Up Hibernate Development Environment
  • Hibernate Configuration with Annotations
  • Hibernate CRUD Features: Create, Read, Update and Delete
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings - @OneToOne
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings - @OneToMany
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings - Eager vs Lazy Loading
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings - @OneToMany - Unidirectional
  • Hibernate Advanced Mappings - @ManyToMany
  • Spring MVC and Hibernate Project - Build a Database Web App


  • AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming Overview
  • AOP: @Before Advice Type
  • AOP: Pointcut Expressions - Match Methods and Return Types
  • AOP: Pointcut Expressions - Match Method Parameter Types
  • AOP: Pointcut Declarations
  • AOP: Ordering Aspects
  • AOP: JoinPoints
  • AOP: @AfterReturning Advice Type
  • AOP: @AfterThrowing Advice Type
  • AOP: @After Advice Type
  • AOP: @Around Advice Type
  • AOP: Add AOP Logging to Spring MVC App


  • Spring Security - Getting Started
  • Spring Security - Adding Custom Login Form
  • Spring Security - Bootstrap CSS Login Form
  • Spring Security - Adding Logout Support
  • Spring Security - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Spring Security - User Roles
  • Spring Security - Restrict Access Based on Role
  • Spring Security - Add JDBC Database Authentication
  • Spring Security - Password Encryption


  • Maven Overview
  • Stream API Enhancements
  • Maven - How to find dependencies
  • Maven Archetype
  • Maven - Creating a simple Project
  • Maven - Creating a Web App Project
  • Maven - Repositories Overview
  • Maven - Local Repository
  • Maven - Central Repository
  • Maven - Additional Repositories Overview and Demo
  • Maven - Private Repositories

Git and Github

  • Introduction to Version Control System with Git
  • How to install Git
  • Basic Commands: add, commit, push
  • Undoing/Reverting/Resetting Code changes
  • Branches(Create, Merge, Delete a Branch)
  • What is HEAD?
  • .gitignore file
  • Diff and Merge using Meld
  • Github Introduction
  • Pull Request


  • Introduction to SPRING BOOT
  • Setting Up Development Environment
  • Spring Data JPA
  • App Execution And Actuator


  • Introduction
  • Software Setup
  • Java Project Development Concepts
  • Create the Data Access Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Utility Classes
  • Reports Utility
  • Integration Layer
  • Project Creation
  • User Registration Use Case
  • Search Flights Use Case
  • Create Reservation Use Case
  • Create the Integration Layer
  • Develop a Flight Checkin Application
  • Generate and Email Itinerary
  • Logging
  • Externalized Configuration
  • Security
  • Transaction Management
  • Deployment


ASP.NET is very popular web programming language. It is popular because it is easy to use interface and the functions that this language provides. With the help of its framework i.e. MVC it is not very hard to build and get started with. It is being used by many programmers for building websites. By working or programming in this language i.e. C#, you will get idea about the SDLC that is the software Development Lifecycle of a software. One can easily built Web applications and Desktop applications using .Net platform. We at Hrishi computers will teach you how to develop ASP.NET applications and MVC applications.

Full Stack
Development Using .NET


  • Data Type and syntax Language Fundamentals
  • Classes
  • Namespaces
  • Object Oriented Programming concepts
  • Overview of Asp.Net inbuilt Classes and method
  • File Handling
  • Summary
  • Introduction of different Web Technology
  • What is Asp.Net
  • How Asp.Net Works
  • Use of visual studio
  • Different Languages used in Asp.Net.
  • Summary
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • .NET Framework Class Library
  • Summary
  • Installing Internet Information Server
  • Installation of Asp.Net
  • virtual directory
  • Application Setting in IIS.
  • Summary
  • Overview of SQL Server 2012
  • Installation of SQL Server 2012
  • Features of SQL Server Express
  • SQL Server 2008 Express management tools
  • Summary
  • Overview of coding standards follows during programming
  • Summary
  • Basic of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Summary
  • Displaying information
    • Label Controls
    • Literal Controls
    • Bulleted List
  • Accepting User Input
    • Textbox controls
    • RadioButton and RadioButtonList Controls
    • CheckBox and CheckBoxList Controls
    • Button controls
    • LinkButton Control
    • ImageButton Control
    • Using Hyperlink Control
    • DropDownList
    • ListBox
  • Displaying Images
    • Image Control
    • Image Map Control
    • Using Panel Control
    • Using Hyperlink Control
  • Page & State Management
  • Overview of events in page
  • Summary
  • Required Field Validator Control
  • Regular Expression Validator Control
  • Compare Field Validator Control
  • Range Validator Control
  • Validation Summary Control
  • Custom Validator Control
  • Summary
  • Creating master pages
  • Creating default contents
  • Nesting master pages
  • Registering master pages in web configuration
  • Summary
  • Accepting File Uploads
  • Saving files to file system
  • Calendar Control
  • Displaying advertisements
  • Displaying Different Page view
  • Displaying a Tabbed Page View
  • Wizard Control
  • Summary
  • Understanding Site Maps
  • Using the Sitemap Path Control
  • Formatting the Sitemap Path Control
  • Using the Menu Control
  • Using Tree View Control
  • Summary
  • About Ajax
  • Setting up and implementing Ajax
  • Summary
  • Deploying application on Web Server
  • Summary
  • Database Architecture
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Manipulation of Data (SQL Command)
  • Stored Procedure
  • Function
  • Trigger
  • Views
  • Cursor
  • Summary
  • Creating database connections
  • Connecting to MSSQL Server and MS Access
  • DataSet & DataTable Features
  • Using inline SQL Statements
  • Using Stored Procedures
  • Executing select commands
  • Sql Transaction
  • Summary
  • Grid View Control fundamentals
  • Displaying Data
  • Using Data Keys
  • Sorting Data
  • Paging through Data
  • Summary
  • Using the Details View control
  • Displaying data with the DetailsView control
  • Using Fields with the DetailsView control
  • Displaying Empty data with the DetailsView control


  • Introduction of different Web Technology
  • What is ASP.NET MVC
  • Role of Model, View, and Controller
  • How ASP.NET MVC Works
  • Benefits of using ASP.NET MVC
  • Summary
  • Installing Internet Information Server
  • Installation of ASP.NET MVC
  • Application Setting in IIS
  • Summary
  • Overview of SQL Server 2012
  • Installation of SQL Server 2012
  • Features of SQL Server Express
  • SQL Server 2008 Express management tools
  • Summary
  • ASP.NET MVC project templates
  • Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project
  • Naming conventions
  • Creating views
  • Defining controllers
  • Defining a data model
  • Overview of coding standards follows during programming
  • Summary
  • Creating strongly-typed views
  • Understanding URLs and action methods
  • Using HTML helpers
  • Handling form post-backs
  • Data validation
  • Razor Basics
  • Razor design goals
  • Implementation of Razor view
  • Razor syntax
  • Accessing Model Data in Razor views
  • ASP.NET application architecture best practices
  • Implementing a Repository and Entity Framework Data Model
  • Using Dependency Injection
  • Implementing a custom controller factory
  • Defining and using custom HTML Helpers
  • Defining a layout / MVC Master Page
  • Using Styles
  • Defining and using partial views
  • Razor Helper Method syntax
  • Defining view-model classes
  • Implementing Data Filtering in a Controller
  • Understanding the Routing mechanism
  • Adding custom entries to a route table
  • Defining defaults, parameters, and validation
  • Generating URLs and Hyperlinks
  • Custom Route constraints
  • Using hidden fields
  • Session and Application State
  • Custom model bindings
  • Overview of AJAX and ASP.NET MVC
  • Unobtrusive AJAX
  • Using AJAX Action Links
  • Overview of jQuery
  • jQuery Techniques
  • Using jQuery UI


  • Project in ASP.Net
  • Project in ASP.Net MVC


MySQL™ and PHP are two of the most popular open source technologies to emerge during the past decade. PHP is a powerful language for writing server-side Web applications. MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. Together, these two technologies provide you with a powerful platform for building database-driven Web applications. During this course, students will step through how to build an entire dynamic website, ensuring that they have the necessary experience, skills and confidence to build a dynamic website later on. Students will learn how to install and configure the Apache, PHP, and MySQL software, and write commands in Structured Query Language (SQL) to query and modify the MySQL database. Other topics include gathering and processing information from forms, file uploading, relational database design and password-protection.

Full Stack
Development Using PHP


  • Evaluation of PHP
  • Basic Syntax
  • Defining variable and constant
  • PHP Data type
  • Operator and Expression


  • Capturing Form Data
  • Dealing with Multi-value filed
  • Generating File uploaded form
  • Redirecting a form after submission


  • Making Decisions
  • Doing Repetitive task with looping
  • Mixing Decisions and looping with Html


  • What is a function
  • Define a function
  • Call by value and Call by reference
  • Recursive function


  • Creating and accessing String
  • Searching & Replacing String
  • Formatting String
  • String Related Library function


  • Anatomy of an Array
  • Creating index based and Associative array
  • Accessing array Element
  • Looping with Index based array
  • Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
  • Some useful Library function


  • Understanding file& directory
  • Opening and closing a file
  • Coping, renaming and deleting a file
  • Working with directories
  • Building a text editor
  • File Uploading & Downloading


  • Using query string(URL rewriting)
  • Using Hidden field
  • Using cookies
  • Using session


  • What is regular expression
  • Pattern matching in Php
  • Replacing text
  • Splitting a string with a Regular Expression


  • Basics of computer Graphics
  • Creating Image
  • Manipulating Image
  • Using text in Image


  • Introduction
  • Objects
  • Declaring a class
  • The new keyword and constructor
  • Destructor
  • Access method and properties using $this variable
  • Public ,private, protected properties and methods
  • Static properties and method
  • Class constant
  • Inheritance & code reusability
  • Polymorphism
  • Parent:: & self:: keyword
  • Instance of operator
  • Abstract method and class
  • Interface Final


  • Understanding Exception and error
  • Try, catch, throw


  • Introduction to RDBMS
  • Connection with MySql Database
  • Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
  • Setting query parameter
  • Executing query
  • Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins)




Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation.Python is a scripting language like PHP, Perl, Ruby and so much more. It can be used for web programming (django, Zope, Google App Engine, and much more). But it also can be used for desktop applications (Blender 3D, or even for games pygame). Python can also be translated into binary code like java

Full Stack
Development Using Python


  • Why do we need Python?
  • Program structure in Python
  • Interactive Shell
  • Executable or script files.
  • User Interface or IDE
  • Object creation and deletion
  • Object properties
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Dictionary
  • Other core types
  • Assignments, Expressions and prints
  • If tests and Syntax Rules
  • While and For Loops
  • Iterations and Comprehensions
  • Opening a file
  • Using Files
  • Other File tools
  • Function definition and call
  • Function Scope
  • Arguments
  • Function Objects
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Module Creations and Usage
  • Module Search Path
  • Module Vs. Script
  • Package Creation and Importing
  • Classes and instances
  • Classes method calls
  • Inheritance and Compositions
  • Static and Class Methods
  • Bound and Unbound Methods
  • Operator Overloading
  • Polymorphism
  • Default Exception Handler
  • Catching Exceptions
  • Raise an exception
  • User defined exception
  • Decorators
  • Generators
  • Iterators
  • Co-routines


  • Introduction
  • Special symbol and characters
  • REs and Python
  • Introduction
  • Sockets: Communication endpoints
  • Network programming in python
  • *socketserver module
  • Introduction to TwistedFramework
  • What are internet clients?
  • Transferring files
  • Network news
  • Electronic mail
  • Introduction
  • Threads and processes
  • Python, threads and the global interpreter lock
  • Thread module
  • Threading module
  • Introduction
  • Tkinter and python programming
  • Brief tour of other GUIs
  • Introduction
  • Web surfing with python: Creating simple web clients
  • Advanced web clients
  • CGI: helping web servers processing client data
  • Using unicode with CGI
  • Web http servers
  • introduction
  • Python database application programmer’s interface (DB-API)
  • Object relational managers
  • Introduction
  • Extending pyhton with writing extentions

Why HirshiComputer is The Best Full Stack Developer Training Institute....

Flexible Learning

Both online and offline learning options are available to suit your schedule. ...

Expert Instructors

Learn from industry experts with years of experience in full stack development. ...

Comprehensive Curriculum

Covering all essential topics and advanced concepts in full stack development, including PHP, Java, and Python...

Hands-On Projects

Real-world projects to enhance your learning experience and prepare you for the job market....

Job Placement Support

Assistance with job searches and interview preparation to help you start your career. ...


Earn a recognized certificate upon course completion to boost your career prospects. ...

What Learners Say About Our Full Stack Developer Course

FAQs About the Best Full Stack Developer Course with Certification in Vasai-Virar

Best Full Stack Developer Course


 A full stack developer is a programmer skilled in both front-end and back-end development, capable of building complete web applications.

This course covers all aspects of full stack development, from basic to advanced levels, providing hands-on experience and practical knowledge, and includes a certification upon completion.

Anyone interested in web development, from beginners to experienced developers looking to enhance their skills.

Best Full Stack Developer Course


A basic understanding of programming concepts is recommended but not required.

 The course duration is flexible, with both part-time and full-time options available.

Upon completion, you will receive a certification from HirshiComputer, recognized by the industry.

By optimizing your content with these structured elements and incorporating relevant keywords naturally, your Full Stack Developer course page will be more SEO-friendly and appealing to potential students.

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HRISHI Computer Education, one of the leading IT/ Computer Education Institutes in Vasai-Virar, is run under the visionary leadership of Mrs. Surekha Bhosale.